For oil and acrylic painters

Materials list: 

Easel: Standard portable easel or French Easel, or Table top easel, or studio easel

 Oil Paint · Cad Red, Alizarin Crimson (permanent), 

Cad yellow medium or deep, Lemon Yellow or Cad Yellow pale, 

Cobalt Blue, Ultramarine Blue, and Cerulean Blue, 

(Optional Greens)Sap Green and/or Viridian Green, 

Raw Sienna, Burnt Sienna, 

Titanium White or Zinc White (I use both) 

Palette: · Strip-off type or wooden palette or masonite. Glass or plexi is also good if you have a table to lay it out on. Oil: · 

Medium – Choice of linseed oil, stand oil  -mix, alkyd medium(various brands) solvnt free gel

Oil cup and solvent cup (may use small fruit cans), paint rags 

Bristle brushes (or synthetic) · at least a small, medium and large, flats, brights or filberts. I like numbers 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10- couple of each · Small round soft hair brush · like sable or other soft hair brush for details Medium soft hair brush · for blending edges. 

Painting Surface · Canvas panels or stretched canvas, or primed masonite panels, recommend 9×12 or11x14 or 12×16. 

(Optional) Charcoal pencil or vine charcoal stick. 

Sketchbook and pencil – cheap one will do, just to work out compos